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Tackle Your Tagline Cheatsheet

Got tagline envy?

By tonight, you can craft a line that has people at “Hello”...and gets them clicking on your offers.

What’s a tagline? Here are some you already know:

Disneyland — The Happiest Place On Earth
Geico — 15 minutes could save you 15 percent or more on car insurance
Nike — Just buy Nikes. No, wait. Something like that.

When it’s done right, a tagline is magic.

It makes all the right people remember you and want to buy from you — or at least stick around and find out more about you.

And everyone in your industry?

They all want to copy you.

It INFURIATES them that you thought of that tagline and they didn’t.

And now you can have one that works magic in your business and infuriates people who wish they’d thought of it.

Not that you want to make anyone mad. But kind of.

I made it mad easy.

Make that, Mad-Libs easy.

I put together 21 fill-in-the-blank templates to help you write your infuriatingly brilliant, simple and to-the-point tagline. (Some of them – I starred them with a *- double as sales page headlines, about page headlines, email subject lines, and more.)

These are the exact formats I use for my copywriting clients -- who pay me upwards of $950/hour to help them come up with their own sticky, memorable taglines.


Here are just a few of the countless raves for the Tagline Tackler:

The Tagline Tackler got me thinking in brand-new ways. I was able to easily craft 30+ taglines for one of my offerings...And did you know that your cheat sheet is also great for naming speeches? ” - Erika Lyremark

“I have built a business based on your Tagline Tackler. I am doing about 1500 a week.” - Wally Barr

“I don't know if anybody has told you this... but you are a GENIUS. You SO totally rocked my world with this cheat sheet. I have been swooning over it for three days and counting. In fact, it's SO amazeballs that my husband has been sneaking in to My Infuriating Tagline google doc just to add his own version. To my business. Seriously.” - Maayan Naveh

If it wasn't because of this, I would've just settled for a boring, cliche tagline. Thank you for this, Laura.” - Abigail Morales"